Store your items with us
Parkway Mini Storage
Firehouse Antiques has an affiliate mini storage company - so feel free to stock up on antiques! Payments and rental agreements are made at Firehouse's front desk.
The storage units are located just beside and behind the store. Entry gate is passcode protected and grounds are under video surveillance. Indoor units are accessed through a single entry/exit door that is passcode or combination locked.
You will be required to sign a rental agreement. Rent is due on the 1st of every month. Payments made after the 10th of the month are subject to a $10 late fee. Rent more than 30 days overdue constitutes default, in which case your lock will be removed and you forfeit all rights and ownership of the items contained within the unit.
5' x 5' Units
Standard Indoor Unit: $30/mo
Climate-Controlled Unit: $45/mo
5' x 10' units
Standard Indoor Unit: $45/ mo
10' x 10' Units
Standard Indoor Unit: $75/mo
Indoor Climate-Controlled Unit: $99/mo
10' x 15' Units
Standard Drive-Up Unit: $80/mo
Climate-Controlled Unit: $140/mo
10' x 20' Units
Standard Drive-Up Unit: $110/mo
Indoor Climate-Controlled Unit: $175/mo